Teena Thacker

About 1.5 million children under five die of diarrhoea every year. While the highest number of deaths occur in Africa, of the total 38 per cent deaths that took place in South Asia in 2004, India accounted for the highest number of deaths. This has been revealed by a new report released by the United Nations and World Health Organisation (WHO).

C Shivakumar | ENS

About 75 per cent of the world's under-five deaths in 2008 took place in only 18 countries.
Of this, half of the deaths occurred in only five countries - India, Nigeria, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Pakistan and China

JAIPUR: The British High Commission along with an international NGO has invited the Pink City to COP 15 summit at Copenhagen in December this year. The reason: Jaipur has been adjudged as one of the cities which has a low emission record per capita.

The effects of climate change could lead to as much as a 5% drop in the GDP of countries in South Asia and Africa, including India, a World Bank report warned on Sunday. The report said the effects of a 2-degree Celsius rise in temperature due to global warming could put up to 400 million people at risk of hunger and leave up to 2 billion lacking enough water resources.

The prices of food crops like wheat, rice and maize will rise between 121 per cent and 194 per cent by 2050 due to climate change, according to a study.

This, coupled with decreased yields of these crops, will threaten food security of some 1.6 billion people in South Asia and render 25 million more children malnourished by 2050.

Asian Sanitation Data Book 2008: Achieving Sanitation for All features raw data and analyses on the sanitation situation in 27 cities in the Asia and Pacific region and calls for actions to ensure improved access to sanitation in more rapid and efficient ways.

The Energy Outlook for Asia and the Pacific (Energy Outlook) aims to estimate, for each of the regional members of the Asian Development Bank (ADB), the future demand for energy, supply options to 2030 for a business-as-usual scenario, investment requirements for meeting this demand, and the resulting CO2 emissions potential associated with increasing energy demand.

This document reports on a workshop which purpose was to assess the strength and weakness of current initiatives for earthquake risk assessment, mitigation, response and recovery in South Asian region. It looks forward to help developing a roadmap for regional cooperation for a short, medium and long term basis for earthquake risk management in the South Asian region.

Although many millions of people have exited poverty in recent decades, much of the reduction in poverty has benefited people living close to the poverty line rather than those at the very bottom of the income distribution. This book is not focused on poverty per se but rather is focused on looking particularly at those most deprived in society.

Events running up to the UN
