Faced with myriad options, Sub-Saharan Africa policy makers struggle to prioritize actions. Commonly used modeling approaches perform poorly in data scare conditions or focus intently on tools at hand. Policies, by consequence, report ‘wish lists’, making them a challenge to implement given resource constraints.

Around 70 per cent of Tanzania’s population lives in rural areas. Hence, sanitation challenges in the country are mainly driven by the state of sanitation in its rural areas. Only 24 per cent of rural Tanzania has access to basic sanitation facilities.

The publication Assessing the Evidence: Migration, Environment and Climate Change in the United Republic of Tanzania attempts to comprehensively address climate change impacts in the United Republic of Tanzania, current mobility patterns and trends, and the possible linkages between them.

Recent growth accelerations in Africa are characterized by increasing productivity in agriculture, a declining share of the labor force employed in agriculture and declining productivity in modern sectors such as manufacturing.

This brief gives an overview of different country case studies where social protection (SP) systems have been used to address risks arising from climate-related hazards in urban spaces. It also explores how the existing SP systems in Tanzania, Bangladesh and Ethiopia could be modified, given adequate resources, to become shock responsive.

Since May 2020, ODI and its Vietnamese and Tanzanian country partners have been engaged in a 2.5-year project to address the mental health needs of adolescents in schools, in the community and at the institutional level through the co-creation and implementation of digital and non-digital solutions.

Development corridors are focal points for national and international development investment in East Africa, and national governments are directing their limited public sector resources towards corridor development.

Agriculture holds significant potential for growth in Sub-Saharan Africa. However, production and productivity remain low due to factors such as climate change and variability, and limited access to and low adoption of appropriate technologies.

Access to affordable and reliable energy enables growth of local economies. And demand for energy ensures feasibility of business models for decentralised energy solutions such as mini-grids.

Credit constraint is considered by many as one of the key barriers to adoption of modern agricultural technologies, such as chemical fertilizer, improved seeds, and irrigation technologies, among smallholders.
