KOLKATA: The FAO of United Nations at the 22nd session of the Intergovernmental Group on tea held at Naivasha, Kenya from 25th-27th May released its report of the Working Group on Tea on Climate Ch
KOLKATA: Tata Global Beverages announced on Monday it has commissioned the Tea Research Association (TRA) to identify indicators of climatic changes that will impact tea growing regions in Assam in
Farmers in China’s tea-growing regions report that monsoon dynamics and other weather factors are changing and that this is affecting tea harvest decisions. To assess the effect of climate change on tea production in China, this study uses historical weather and production data from 1980 to 2011 to construct a yield response model that estimates the partial effect of weather factors on tea yields in China, with a specific focus on East Asian Monsoon dynamics.
KOLKATA: Indian tea industry in Assam and West Bengal which is facing a major challenge due to climate change resulting from uneven distribution of rainfall and extreme temperature patterns has sou
Increasing incidences of pest outbreaks, prolonged periods of drought, change in the pattern of rain distribution, and rising number of hailstorms are harbingers of climate change for the already s
Rainfall has traditionally been plentiful for growing tea, especially in India but with recent changes in the climate, surface and ground water are becoming important irrigation systems.
JORHAT (ASSAM): As climate change is affecting both quality and production of tea, scientists are testing which botanical varieties of the crop are resilient to climatic pressures.
The first thing that strikes you as you enter the Makomboki Tea Factory is the air. It's clear, absent of the dark smoke that billows from the boilers of Kenya's other tea factories.