This paper reviews theoretical and empirical literature that originated predominantly during and after TRIPS, focusing on the influence of changes in patent protection on developing countries. Previous studies identify two channels of gain for developing countries, from strong patent rights. Firstly, the promotion channel whereby, patent rights affect innovativeness of the South and concomitantly its economic growth. Theoretical studies do not give unambiguous hypotheses concerning the influence of patent protection on domestic innovation leaving it for empirical investigation.

In recent years, patenting has been considered one of the major drivers for enhancing national competitiveness and most of the advanced countries have been more actively enforcing patent protection. However, the indicators proposed in previous studies have not been able to deal adequately with the various dimensions of patenting, rather focusing on patent application counts. Therefore, in this research, a comprehensive patent performance indicator is proposed to provide a yardstick by which government policymakers can evaluate the whole process of converting patents into economic assets.

A new report from the Broadband Commission, The Broadband Bridge: Linking ICT with Climate Action for a Low Carbon Economy, highlights ten recommendations to leverage the opportunities that information and communication technologies (ICTs) can provide to accelerate global progress towards a low-carbon economy.

What happens when a people-centric approach to governance (State Wide Attention on Grievances through Application of Technology) connects with technology.

Provision of adequate sanitation to all communities has been a major challenge in India. This is also due to the fact such communities have full spectrum of variations in sociocultural and economic conditions. It is said that in India near stone -age civilization coexists with atomic –age civilization.

Greenpeace released the latest version of the Greenpeace Cool IT Leaderboard at the business conclave "Decarbonising Economy: Renewable energy powering India's growth” organised by Greenpeace India and CyberMedia.

A Japanese fishing fleet is posting details of catches online in real time. Could this make fishing more sustainable by matching demand to supply?

This collection of reports looks at how ICTs can be used to help communities in developing countries facing water stress adapt to climate change. The role and potential of ICTs in helping communities employ innovative approaches to prepare for, respond and adapt to climate change are increasingly being recognised.

The present study tries to explore the factors that influence the growth, performance, and development of IPR attitude of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the manufacturing sector of Punjab. The aim of the present research is to examine the technology management strategies of manufacturing SMEs, primarily on the basis of use-based classification.

The plan to introduce bullet trains in India moved several steps ahead on Tuesday as Railway Minister Dinesh Trivedi met visiting Japan Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda and expressed his willingness t
