Question raised in Lok Sabha on adulteration in food items, 28/11/2014.

Arunachal Pradesh Governor Lt.

This report focuses on the risks of climate change to development in Latin America and the Caribbean, the Middle East and North Africa, and parts of Europe and Central Asia.

This document consists of Guidelines, to lay the grounds towards the preparation of a Model Comprehensive Renewable Energy (RE) Policy in Indian states. The Guidelines provide an overall policy framework to support State Government and other agencies to formulate long-term and comprehensive State Renewable Energy Policy.

Order of the National Green Tribunal (Western Zone Bench, Pune) in the matter of Village Panchayat of Top Vs The State of Maharashtra dated 09/10/2014 regarding installation of municipal solild waste (MSW) plant at village Top, District Kolhapur, Maharashtra.

Assigning a monetary value for air quality reduction and associated health outcomes of electricity generation is both difficult and essential; it is difficult because methods are cumbersome, data intensive and costly, however dollar value of cost of air pollution is imperative for formulating pollution control policy.

The transition to a clean and green energy system is an economic and social transformation that is exciting as well as challenging.

This document is the Communication Summary for the September IPC food security analysis in South Sudan. The Communication Summary includes a summary of key messages drawn from the analysis, maps, and population tables. The IPC in South Sudan is produced by the IPC Technical Working Group.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Saloni Singh & Anr. Vs. Union of India & Ors. dated 15/09/2014 regarding environmental hazards resulting from plastic and other waste being thrown on the railway track and human evacuation.

Previous Orders

Order of the National Green Tribunal (Principal Bench, New Delhi) in the matter of Impulse All Dimasa Students Union Dima Hasao Dist. Committee & Others Vs. State of Meghalaya & Others regarding coal mining in the State of Meghalaya.
