The Rio+20 summit ended recently – but the confusion over which way the world’s environment is going did not.

NewDelhi:One-third of food produced globally every year does not reach human mouths – it is either lost in transit or wasted by consumers themselves.

A team of students led by Pannu Haldar from Bilaspur glorified the name of nation as their “Sustainable Green Transport Plan” won the first prize at the international competition hosted by UN Decad

At Rio+20, the developing world reclaimed lost ground, but nobody committed to credible action

The UN report titled ‘Caring Business and Climate Change Adaptation: toward Resilient Companies and Communities’ presents 10 case studies from among 10 global companies. These cases illustrate how businesses are responding creatively and effectively to address climate change opportunities, risks, and impacts in developing countries and emerging economies.

HCC’s initiatives have been featured among the case studies of ten global companies, including Coca Cola, Nokia and Eskom. The HCC case study highlights its efforts towards water neutrality and showcases its initiatives at two HCC projects---

The earth's environmental systems "are being pushed towards their biophysical limits", the United Nations Environment Program says.

Rio De Janeiro: The earth’s environmental systems “are being pushed towards their biophysical limits” beyond which loom sudden, irreversible and potentially catastrophic changes, the United Nations

In a change of stance ahead of the Rio+20 summit in Brazil, the government has decided to lend its support to the African proposal to upgrade the status of the United Nations Environment Programme

Union Cabinet approves negotiating brief

India will head to the Rio+20 summit in Brazil with a negotiating brief focussed on defending the principle of “common but differentiated responsibility” (CBDR) and preventing any attempt to pin down specific goals or targets regarding sustainable development. On Thursday, the Union Cabinet approved the strategy to be followed by Indian negotiators at the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, popularly known as Rio+20 due to the first such summit held in Rio de Janeiro two decades ago.

Unsustainable growth, population, urbanisation & consumption increase impact region's environment

Emissions in India and China is set to rise as the Asia-Pacific region faces mounting challenges in tackling climate change, water scarcity, species extinction and hazardous waste and their economies forge ahead, a UN report has warned. The region needs to improve governance structures and accountability and scale up successful policy initiatives to achieve sustainable development, the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) said in a report.
