Judgement of the Supreme Court of India in the matter of K. B. Ramachandra Raje Vs State of Karnataka & Others dated 16/12/2015 regarding proposal for acquiring an area of 94 acres 28 gunthas of land located in Vijayashreepura village, adjoining the ‘Vijayanagar Extension’, as mentioned in the Schedule thereto for improvement of Mysore city.

The study proposes a number of policy options for the Urban Poor Poverty Reduction Working Group (led by Phnom Penh Municipality and UNICEF) and Joint Action Group for DRR to consider: mainstream DRR into urban planning, implement regulations that limit the negative environmental impacts of rapid urban development, increase the capacity of hard

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of K.S. Gahunia Vs. N.B.C.C. Ltd. & Ors.dated 24/11/2015 regarding East Kidwai Nagar redevelopment, New Delhi.

Using the Climate Disaster Resilience Index (CDRI), this study measures climate disaster resilience of Dhaka City in its seven drainage zones - at ward and thana level. The analysis provides a wealth of information that can be used to identify priority sectors in Dhaka for improving disaster resilience.

By 2050, the urban population in Asia and the Pacific is expected to reach 3.2 billion says the State of Asian and Pacific Cities 2015. This report launched at Sixth Asian Pacific Urban Forum (APUF-6) in Jakarta warns of the urban environmental challanges and calls for urgent response to harness Asia-Pacific’s urban transformation

As part of its efforts to address challenges emanating from rapid urbanization and develop a vision for future development in Rajasthan, the Government of Rajasthan has prepared an Urban Development Policy.

This paper examines carbon ‘lock-in’ risks from an urban planning perspective, comparing two scenarios of urban development over the next 15 years to gauge the emissions implications of different choices.

This guidebook on integrating climate change into city development strategies (CDS) attempts to provide a modest input into the effort of unifying two key thematic areas, Climate Change and City Development Strategies.

Despite progress, South Asia has failed to capitalize on urbanization says the World Bank report released this week. Instead of using increasing urbanization as a vehicle to convey prosperity to a greater number of people, the countries of the region have “difficulty in dealing with the pressures that increased urban populations put on infrastructure, basic services, land, housing and the environment,” which in turn has fostered “messy and hidden” urbanization

Policy think tank formed by PM Modi has suggested ways to execute the project better

Bengaluru, Kolkata miss Smart City list
