The natural environment of eThekwini, the city also known as Durban, has been put under severe pressure due to rapid urbanization and climate change.

Paralleling the increasing disparities in income and wealth worldwide since the 1980s, cities in developing countries have witnessed the emergence of a growing divergence of lifestyles, particularly within the middle classes, reinforced by the widening gap between the quality of public and private educational and health care institutions, spatia

This paper examines the linkages between decentralisation and urban climate governance through a literature review, supported by two city case studies: Saint-Louis in Senegal and Bobo-Dioulasso in Burkina Faso.

The Modi government’s vision of creating 100 smart cities will require an investment of over USD 150 billion over the next few years with private sector being a significant contributor, says a repo

This paper provides an overview of the available evidence on the link between the effectiveness of transport systems and economic, social and environmental performance.

Rapidly increasing urbanisation in India has brought much needed focus on the urban development policies in India. The Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission was the first programme to provide substantial funds for urban local bodies to improve their infrastructure and bring in better governance systems. This article tries to look at the mission from a new public management perspective. The performance of ULBs in project implementation shows delinking from the reforms agenda of the mission.

According to the Census 2011, the urban population in the state was 17.0 million with a total of 297 towns including 184 municipal towns. Since then three more municipal towns have been added making the number 187.

The Statistical Year Book 2016 provides both time series and cross sectional data covering various sectors. It includes all India time series data for over a decade and State level time series data for recent years. Further, to contextualize the performance of various sectors in India, chapter wise commentary has been suitably modified to include global and domestic environment, Government policies and interventions that shape up various sectors, international comparisons, historical trends etc besides current performance.

The 2015 China Sustainable Cities Report examines the performance of 35 big and medium-sized cities according to 12 human development and environmental indicators. It also looks at the efficiency of the cities’ environmental inputs relative to their human development outputs.

'Time for govt to go for dynamic, spatial vision to shape City's future'
