India is the fifth largest generator of e-waste in the world revealed this new report released by the United Nations University. India (1.7 Mt) along with Japan (2.2 Mt)  and China (6.0 Mt) is amongst the top three Asian nations with the highest e-waste generation in absolute quantities. 

After two years of decline, total U.S. greenhouse gas emissions released into the atmosphere because of human activity increased 2 percent in 2013 over the previous year. That surge was fueled, in large part, because of a growing economy, falling coal prices and a cold winter, the U.S.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Indian Council for Enviro-Legal Action (ICELA) Vs. MoEF & Ors. dated 17/03/2015 regarding emission of gas- HFC-23 by industries in the atmosphere.

Order of the National Green Tribunal (Principal Bench, New Delhi) in the matter of Krishan Kant Singh & Others Vs. National Ganga River Basin Authority & Others dated 04/08/2014 regarding pollution caused by industries to river Ganga. The Tribunal has ordered that Phuldera drain be cleaned and work starts forthwith. Also Notice be issued to the Ministry of Railway so that the work with regard to making of drain under the Railway Track can commence without further delay.

This handbook provides comprehensive guidance on safe, efficient, and environmentally sound methods for the handling and disposal of health-care wastes in normal situations and emergencies. Future issues such as climate change and the changing patterns of diseases and their impacts on health-care waste management are also discussed.

The Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks tracks the national trend in greenhouse gas emissions and removals back to 1990. The key findings of the 1990-2012 U.S. Inventory include: In 2012, U.S. greenhouse gas emissions totaled 6,526 million metric tons CO2 Eq.; U.S. emissions decreased by 3.4 percent from 2011 to 2012.

These are revised draft guidelines for common bio-medical waste treatment facilities released by the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB). These are applicable to all the upcoming Common Bio-medical Waste Treatment Facility (CBWTFs).

Replying to a question in the Rajya Sabha on disposal of toxic waste of Union Carbide factory, Srikant Kumar Jena, the minister of Chemicals and Fertilizers stated that the matter of providing oversight and support to all remediation actions, including disposal of toxic waste lying in around the UCIL plant site at Bhopal is being dealt with by the Oversight Committee constituted in the Ministry of Environment and Forests as per the decision of Cabinet.

Directions under section 18(1)(b) to all SPCBs/PCCs of the Water (Prevention Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 and the Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 in the matter of pollution control in 17 category of highly polluting industries, CETPs and common hazardous waste and biomedical waste incinerators regarding self monitoring o

Letter to all State Pollution Control Boards (SPCBs)/Pollution Control Committees (PCCs) in the matter of pollution control in 17 category of highly polluting industries, CETPs and common hazardous waste & biomedical waste incinerators - Regarding self monitoring of compliance.
