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The Government of Madhya Pradesh was initially supposed to undertake the process of land acquisition for the families displaced by the Indira Sagar Project (ISP), but it handed over the responsibil

Women s self help groups run ration shops in Chhattisgarh

Land rights won t benefit tribals, inviolate areas can t secure tigers

Avian Flu Risk

Share benefits with villagers, else all will be lost

The Cambodian government has begun offering 300 battery-powered bicycles to tourists for rent while visiting the world-famous Angkor archaeological park, Cambodia's main tourist attraction. The

With the rapid growth of population, the perennially thirsty national Capital will have to suffer if water-related projects remain choked with red tape. The Rs 800 crore Sonia Vihar Water Treatment

In a bid to find a lasting solution to the complex problems surrounding groundwater usage and ownership, and to lay down guidelines for proper water conservation practices, the Planning Commission

Avoids use of corrosive chemicals

Herbal products for exports will have carry additional info
