Large tracts of tropical peat forests will be cleared to make way for rice-fields, horticulture and plantations as part of a huge rice development project initia-ted by the government. The

paper manufacturers in Europe, the us and other industrialised countries are up in arms against a proposed European Union ( eu ) plan to adopt

The 1995 report on state of India s forests baffles environmentalists with its curious explanations

Attempts are on to convert ozone depleting chlorofluorocarbons into more innocuous substances like table salt

chocolate could actually be a drug in disguise. Scientists at the Neurosciences Institute in San Diego, a privately supported, non-profit laboratory in the us, report that chocolate contains three

These are not the best of times for azo dyes. Germany had banned the import, trade and use of certain azo dyes in textiles in April; France and the Netherlands have followed suit now. Azo dyes,

A wave generator devised by a Canadian marine engineer could bring relief to ships stranded due to heavy ice formation in winter

china could soon pip us to become the world's largest air polluter, observes a recent report of the Worldwatch Institute, an international environment research group. It has already what a power ministry proposal plans to do to certain projects under it, by doing away with the system of Central clearance

Japanese chemists have discovered
