
A few years ago I wrote about a textile town called Pali, in Rajasthan, which had completely toxified its seasonal river Bandi with industrial discharge. Then, I said the real story was not about

Binayak Sen, a paediatrician and vice-president of the People

Unravelling the Gujarat SEZ model Recently the Supreme Court ordered a stay on one of the largest special economic zones (sezs) in the country. The stay order on the Mundra sez in Gujarat

Skyrocketing phosphorous prices threaten our fertilizer-dependent agriculture There is something exceptional about the rise in world food prices this year. Prices of several food items including cereals and oilseeds have risen by more than 100 per cent in less than a year. The situation has been compounded by the rise in prices of one of the key inputs of modern agriculture

Book>> Elephants on Acid and other bizarre experiments

State governments offer incredulous incentives to lure Tata in the last few days Maharashtra and West Bengal witnessed two diametrically opposite developments. In Maharashtra, for the first time in the history of this country, affected farmers voted in a referendum on the upcoming Reliance special economic zone (sez). Initial results suggest that the majority voted against the

Developing nations want Kyoto Protocol commitments honoured. Developed nations cannot stop talking of targets for all. Juergen P Kropp , senior scientist, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Germany talks to Amarjyoti Borah , giving the western viewpoint How does Germany plan to meet emissions targets after phasing out nuclear power plants? Nuclear power is not

The terms in which India"s agrarian crisis is discussed ensure that there is no solution a balanced, neutral story with both sides covered does not always the truth tell. But it is not easy to fit in people with several perspectives into a television studio. Much less when it involves commentary on live news that has to fit between breaks for commercials. The farmer

