This report traces Beijing's 60-year transformation from relative water abundance to water crisis, and the main policy responses to keep water flowing to China's capital. Official data indicates that Beijing's population growth, industrial development, and its expansion of irrigated farmland have driven huge increases in water consumption since 1949. The report also argues that drought and rapid demand growth aren't the only factors behind the water crisis. Short-sighted policies since 1949 have degraded Beijing's watershed and promoted the over-use of limited water resources.

Any successful program of action on climate change must support two objectives

While occurrences of water bodies (rivers and canals;reservoirs, tanks and ponds; beels, oxbow lakes and derelict water; and brackish water) across the country depend upon physiographic settings and rainfall conditions, the recharging of the water

CRZ clearance of intake and disposal facility for proposed 2 X 330 MW Thermal power plant at village Tunda, Ta. Mundra district, Kachchh by M/s Adani Power Limited (29 May, 2008).

This publication highlights the importance of sustainable agriculture not only to preserve biodiversity, but also to ensure that will be able to feed the world, maintain agricultural livelihoods, and enhance human well being into the 21st century and beyond.

This is a rapid EIA report of M/s Shree Rupanadham Steel (P) limited, village

Dr. ARIJIT PASAYAT, J. 1. I.A. 1901 of 2005 relates to the land situated in Aravalli Range. Challenge basically is to the communication dated 31.1.2005 by the Divisional Forest officer, Faridabad requesting the Commissioner, Faridabad, the Administration Haryana, Urban Development Authority (in short the `HUDA') and the District Town Planner, Faridabad

Agriculture represents a core part of the Indian economy and provides food and livelihood activities to much of the Indian population. While the magnitude of impact varies greatly by region, climate change is expected to impact on agricultural productivity and shifting crop patterns. The policy implications are wide-reaching, as changes in agriculture could affect

Letter to B C Mishra, Uttrakhand Jal Vidyut Nigam, Dehradun on Dhari Devi relocation dated 09/06/2008.

This set of Recommendations has emanated from a two-day National Workshop on Critical Tiger Habitats and Critical Wildlife Habitats held at the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) on 8th and 9th May 2008.
