Irrigation has made a major contribution to poverty reduction in the past decades, enabling higher yields and better nutrition. Despite these achievements, large-scale irrigation schemes have usually yielded low returns and attracted negative publicity because of their adverse environmental and social impacts.

This technical paper addresses the issue of freshwater. Sealevel rise is dealt with only insofar as it can lead to impacts on freshwater in coastal areas and beyond. Climate, freshwater, biophysical and socio-economic systems are interconnected in complex ways. Hence, a change in any one of these can induce a change in any other. Freshwater-related issues are critical in determining key regional and sectoral vulnerabilities. Therefore,
the relationship between climate change and freshwater resources is of primary concern to human society and also has implications for all living species.

The detrimental effect of the high usage of fertilizer and pesticides in conventional cotton production is well known. The figures as you all know are as follows: Cotton uses 25% of the world

The state of Madhya Pradesh is one of India

This report compares the performance of urban water bureaucracies in 21 major cities in India with 18 major cities across Southeast Asia using survey data and political economy analyses. It finds that water bureaucracies in Southeast Asia are substantially more effective and efficient compared with those in India.

This paper reviews the status of weather and climate services in Europe and Central Asia (ECA).Worldwide, the accuracy and value of weather and climate services are rising, bringing great economic benefits. However, many national hydrometeorological

This manual focuses on construction of hazard resistant masonry buildings as well as restoration and retrofitting of the existing masonry buildings .It has been observed that even RCC construction is also often done in a non-engineered manner. Hence, some basic but critical information is provided on RCC construction also.

The Persistent Organic Pollutant (POPs) Scientific Review Committee recently concluded that the pesticide endosulfan fulfills the criteria of a persistent organic pollutant. Endosulfan is now in the same league as other highly toxic and persistent pesticides such as aldrin, dieldrin, chlordane and heptachlor, which are banned worldwide.

With a view to assessing the potential environmental impacts due to
proposed activities, KWPCL has retained M/s Anacon Laboratories Pvt.
Ltd., Nagpur to undertake Environmental Impact assessment studies for
various environmental components, in order to identify the impacts and its

mitigative measures. The report also envisages the prediction of the

The objectives of the Coastal Management Zone Notification '08 are peppered with politically correct terms -
