This study initiated by the Ministry of Food Processing Industries covers overall review of existing FPO 1955 and suggests amendments based upon developments and modernization in Fruit and Vegetable Processing Industry.

This regional health forum includes the special issue on world health day 2008 theme: protecting health from climate change.

The objective of this document is to specify suitable requirements and procedures for carrying out monitoring of ambient noise levels around airports due to aircrafts. A proper database is essential for planning and executing suitable noise control programme for airports in the country.

The food price crisis represents an enormous challenge to the leadership and legitimacy of the world's multilateral institutions, but is also a genuine opportunity to deliver long overdue reforms to the food and agriculture system. Those countries with the resources and power to deliver such reforms should take the lead, as they have done in trying to avert a
global financial crisis. This briefing note sets out a series of steps, both short- and medium-term, to deal with the current food crisis, and to put in place the reforms required to prevent future repetitions.

The Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) Policy for Kerala puts forth the concept of 'knowledge commons' and 'commons licence' for traditional knowledge. The policy says that all traditional knowledge, including traditional medicine, must belong to the domain of "knowledge commons" and not to public domain. The system should be introduced through legal arrangements. While community or family custodians will have rights to knowledge that belonged to them, the rest of the traditional knowledge will belong to Kerala State.

Two studies pointing to the link between heavy pesticide use and several illnesses, including cancer, in Punjab have prompted the state government to set up a cancer registry programme. The Punjab government has decided to begin a cancer registry programme.

Climate change is one of the most serious threats the world faces. It will affect all of us, but will have a disproportionate impact on millions of poor rural people.

The 10-state study on effectiveness of rural water supply schemes, undertaken by the World Bank has looked at various aspects of

Participatory water monitoring can be especially important in helping prevent water-related conflicts that may arise in the extractive industry and large-scale agriculture sectors.

To find the optimal delivery model for urban water supply and sanitation (WSS) services, one must look beyond ownership structures to the practices and designs that support good performance. Consumer cooperatives are often attractive
institutional models. This note focuses on a Bolivian
cooperative that is one of the most successful water cooperatives in Latin America.
