This paper contains detailed discussions on climate change strategies. It looks at climate change related issues in several sectors including forestry, energy (biofuels), waste management, and groundwater, as well as key institutional and industry developments in response to climate change challenges. The paper summarises current policy responses from around the Asia-Pacific region and attempts to sort effective climate change policy from non-effective policy.

This study, covering more than 600 rural drinking water supply schemes, is a large-scale empirical analysis of the traditional target-driven (supply-driven) programs of the Government and the more recent model of decentralized community-driven approaches.

This study shows a clear preference for domestic connections and willingness to pay for piped water. Hence the rural communities should be offered a higher level of service, subject to availability of water and willingness to contribute through user charges that recover the O&M (operation and maintenance) and partial capital costs.

The enhancement and diversification of fisheries livelihoods in coastal communities is a critical global concern of governments and supporting organizations such as the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). This challenge became even more critical following the devastation caused by the tsunami.

Climate change will result in additional food insecurities, particularly for the resource poor in developing countries who cannot meet their food requirements through market access.

This Synthesis Paper is based on an Expert Meeting held in Rome 26

There are a large number of multi village water supply schemes (including regional schemes) in India. The prime motivation
for setting up multi village schemes is based on the desire to provide full water supply coverage to rural areas despite local water scarcity and increasing contamination of sources. In such

This book attempts to partially fill the void by systematically assessing health financing reforms in nine low- and middle-income countries that have demonstrated good performance in expanding their populations

This study by Development Centre for Alternative Policies reviews impact of the Accelerated Irrigation Beneficiary Program [AIBP] in Uttarakhand State, since its inception.

Climate policy debates often feature discussions about the role of a carbon tax, either as an alternative or a supplement to a cap-and-trade program. This fact sheet describes the similarities and differences between the two policy approaches and answers other
common questions about a tax on carbon.
