This thesis is concerned with facilitating change leading to urban sanitation that is sustainable. It explores how developing Asian countries might arrive at arrangements for urban sanitation that can feasibly be sustained in the long term, as well as support sustainability in general.

This paper describes the Nano and its development and provides an excellent discussion on the economics of owning and operating a Nano and as well as its impact on motorization in India. It also provides insights on the actual selling price of the Nano when it hits roads.

A positive fallout of the unveiling of the Nano, a low-cost (US$2,500) car by Tata Motors, is that it has re-ignited the debate about urban transport in India.

The last few decades have witnessed a sweeping change in the food production scenario of South Asia. India, the largest of the South Asian economies, is now largely self-sufficient in foodgrain and is an emerging exporter.

Project Tiger is an ongoing Centrally Sponsored Scheme of the Ministry of Environment and Forests. The revised guidelines incorporate the additional activities for implementing the urgent recommendations of the Tiger Task Force, constituted by the National Board for Wildlife, chaired by the Hon'ble Prime Minister.

This paper identifies best practices and lessons learned in countries around the world, regarding effective and efficient government policies and actions to promote production and export of organic agriculture products. The primary use of the report is as input to the CBTF project

This paper focuses on the trade potential of China and India and assesses the impacts of their export growth on each other as well as on their major trade partners. The analysis reveals that the export structure of China is changing with the export shares of skill intensive and medium to high-technology products increasing and those of labourintensive products decreasing.

Nonfarm activities generate on average about 60 percent of rural households

The annual regional meeting (ARM) is an annual activity of OneWorld South Asia. It aims to provide a platform for knowledge sharing and collaborative engagement on ICT-assisted progress towards MDGs and beyond, in the South Asia region. The choice of the theme for the seventh ARM on "climate justice for realisation of the MDGs: Southern voices and perspectives" held in New Delhi, India on 8-9 February 2008, was based on the recognition of implications that the global debate on climate change hold for realisation of MDGs in the region.

Transportation fuels are the major component of the energy portfolio. Of the 20 million barrels of petroleum consumed each day in the United States, 68 percent is used in the transportation sector. The Western states are in position to become key producers and beneficiaries in the emerging alternative-fuels economy.
