CSE warns Delhi: time to breathe easy over, air pollution reaching critical levels again in city. We need to act fast to recover our right to clean air. Delhi will wake up this winter to more smog and pollution; more wheeze and asthma.

The Chairman, Standing Committee on Petroleum & Natural Gas (2007-08) having been authorised by the Committee to submit the Report on their behalf, present this Seventeenth Report on

The Economics of Nuclear Power examines the reasons behind the huge delays and cost over-runs which are common to nuclear power construction projects, and concerns over safety and reliability of new technology, concluding: that in country after country nuclear construction has gone massively over budget; that long construction periods are symptomatic of a range of problems including managing the construction of increasingly complex reactor designs, and inherent within the ailing nuclear infrastructure; that combined with the huge subsidies required, uncompetitively high prices, poor reliab

In recent years, the growing international trade in agricultural products has motivated farmers to pay close attention to pest quarantine problems and agrochemical residues in foods. Agrochemical residues in agricultural products are a major consumer health concern and can seriously damage trade between countries.

This report identifies scope for an integrated set of measures that could significantly increase the carbon savings from the UK transport sector, reducing transport emissions by 14% against 1990 baseline levels by 2020 in a cost-effective way. Key features of the approach are a focus on tackling either the largest or fastest growing areas of transport emissions and an

M/s. Vedanta Aluminium Ltd. has filed an allplication before this Court seeking clearance of the proposal for use of 723.343 ha of land (including 58.943 ha of reserve forest land)in Lanjigarh Tehsil of Kalahandi District for setting up Alumia Refinery. The matter has been pending since 6.3.04.

This document is the Inception Report of the Clean Air Initiative for Asian Cities (CAI-Asia) Center for the implementation of the Sustainable Urban Mobility in Asia (SUMA) Program under the Asian Development Bank (ADB) Regional Technical Assistance (RETA) 6291: Rolling Out Air Quality Management and Sustainable Urban Transportation in Asia and covers the period 5 July

This Synthesis Report is based on the assessment carried out by the three Working Groups of the IPCC. It provides an integrated view of climate change as the final part of the IPCC's Fourth Assessment Report.

India cement Ltd (ICL) is planning to operate Pudupalayam limestone mine in Ariyalur District, of Tamilnadu with an annual production of 0.155 million tonnes in an area of 29.29.5 hectares.

The use of biodiesel, made primarily from soybeans and other organic products, merits serious consideration as an alternative fuel. As dependency on foreign oil escalates, use of any energy source that is both renewable and made domestically deser ves further investigation. Biodiesel also provides a positive environmental effect, has no real handling or infrastructure
