Today's challenges provide the chance to develop global mechanisms for sustainable development. They can act as springboards towards higher resource productivity and efficiency, environmentally friendly technologies, and sustainable habits and lifestyles. The above discussion brings up a number of issues that require thorough considerations. However, these are still on the nature of individual components of the policy framework, not on the framework itself. It may be useful to provide a brief reflection on the strategic vision that can hold these diverse thoughts together.

Climate change is the defining human development challenge of the 21st Century. Failure to respond to that challenge will stall and then reverse international efforts to reduce poverty. The poorest countries and most vulnerable citizens will suffer the earliest and most damaging setbacks, even though they have contributed least to the problem.

Today's challenges provide the chance to develop global mechanisms for sustainable development. They can act as springboards towards higher resource productivity and efficiency, environmentally friendly technologies, and sustainable habits and lifestyles. The above discussion brings up a number of issues that require thorough considerations. However, these are still on the nature of individual components of the policy framework, not on the framework itself. It may be useful to provide a brief reflection on the strategic vision that can hold these diverse thoughts together.

The purpose of this background paper prepared for the symposium on "Global Sustainability: a Nobel Cause' is to summarize and recall the main findings of the Fourth Assessment Report and to visualize the key messages by new results recently obtained with an innovative integrated assessment model at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research.

In this report the committee has examined the medium and the long term (up to 2031-32) demand

This report provides comparative data on a number of measures of emissions for a wide range of countries, allowing comparisons to be made among the different measures. It provides a decomposition of the change in fossil fuel CO2 emissions between 1994 and 2004 into changes in five factors: the average emission per unit of fossil fuel consumed; the share of fossil fuel consumption in total energy consumption; total energy consumption per unit of GDP; GDP per capita; and population. It carries out this decomposition for the top 70 countries in terms of 2004 emissions of CO2 from fossil fuels.

The 28 pesticide residues detected in this analysis of eight fruit items purchased inside the European Parliament building represent the tip of an iceberg: for in total the wider EU food chain is known to be contaminated with at least 324 different agrochemicals.

World Development Report 2008 calls for greater investment in agriculture in developing countries.The report warns that the sector must be placed at the center of the development agenda if the goals of halving extreme poverty and hunger by 2015 are to be realized.

This document is based on the national GHG inventories from Annex I Parties received by the secretariat by 21 September 2007. It shows the status of reporting of annual GHG inventories from Annex I Parties in 2007, and provides a summary of the latest available data on GHG emissions and removals from Annex I Parties for the period 1990

Greenhouse gas emissions from transport are a key contributor to global climate change. In addressing the impacts of climate change through sustainable transport instruments, cities are
