Barack Obama has worked to ensure that our nation's environmental laws and policies balance America's need

Indigenous people have lived in the lush forests of Niyamgiri mountain, Orissa, India, for generations. Now, local tribal families are living in fear for their future due to the arrival of a combined bauxite mining and alumina refinery project in the heart of their ancestral domain by an Indian subsidiary of the UK mining and metals company, Vedanta Resources plc.

On August 9th, 2007, Mr. D.Raja, National Secretary, Communist Party of India, wrote a strong letter on the matter to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, accusing the PM's office of treating Dow and not Bhopal survivors as the victims of an injustice. The Prime Minister replied on August 17th.

Floods are the most destructive, most frequent and most costly natural disasters on earth. Flood damages have soared in recent decades, despite hundreds of billions of dollars spent on flood control structures. This is partly because global warming is causing more severe storms, and partly because of growing populations and economic activity on floodplains. It is also because flood control technologies and approaches often prove counterproductive. This report explains the failure of dams and levees to stop rising flood damages and describes better ways to tackle flood management.

This document provides the guidance for the export of commercial shipments of fresh fruits of mango from India to Japan in compliance with the phytosanitary requirements of Japan. The purpose of this document is to facilitate commercial export of fresh fruits of mango from India to Japan after meeting the obligations covered under international agreements such as WTO-SPS agreement/ IPPC.

This paper identifies structural limitations within the current configuration of the CDM; puts forward a set of innovative proposals for addressing those shortcomings in the near term; and outlines a new market-based framework that can, in the medium term, strengthen and ultimately succeed the CDM.

The Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) has initiated a study entitled

Agriculture and food systems play an important role in fossil fuel consumption and climate change because of their significant energy use and because of agriculture

The objectives of the Tiger Conservation Plan are to ensure: protection of tiger reserve and providing site specific habitat inputs for a viable population of tigers, co-predators and prey animals without distorting the natural prey-predator ecological cycle in the habitat; ecologically compatible land uses in the tiger reserves and areas linking one protected area or tiger reserve to another for addressing the livelihood concerns of local people, so as to provide dispersal habitats and corridors for spillover population of wild animals from the designated core areas of tiger reserves or from

This WWF report seeks to answer the question: "Is it technically possible to meet the growing global demand for energy by using clean and sustainable energy sources and technologies that will protect the global climate?' In other words, can a concerted shift to the sustainable energy resources and technologies that are available today meet the more than doubling of global energy demand projected by 2050, while avoiding dangerous climatic change of more than two degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels?.
