The Union Ministry of Environment & Forests (MoEF), the nodal agency for implementing provisions of CBD in India, developed a strategy for biodiversity conservation at macro-level in 1999 and got the Biological Diversity Act enacted in 2002 followed by the rules thereunder in 2004. There is a need now to develop and

A sustainable energy supply is a precondition for economic and social development and achievement of the Millennium Development Goals. In many parts of the world, a large share of the population have no access to modern energy services. At best, towns and industries are supplied with antiquated and unsustainable energy facilities.

This paper makes a powerful case for enlightened leadership from India's political class on climate change. Calling it the challenge of a generation, it argues that climate change must be re-framed not as an agenda of fear and entitlement, but of growth and opportunity. Addressing it now could be the best means for a country like India to secure peace, development and quality of life for its billion-plus people. If India truly aspires to greatness, there could be no other issue more timely or compelling.

This report is the product of an international research and public policy initiative to give an overview of what is known of biological effects that occur at low-intensity EMFs exposures (for both radiofrequency radiation RF and power-frequency ELF, and various forms of combined exposures that are now known to be bioactive).

A growing farm sector, better rural infrastructure and connectivity, skill development, adequate power supply and easy availability of credit would help in the creation of more employment opportunities in the rural non-farm sector and, in turn, enhance the income of farm households. In view of the above, there is a need to focus more on the economic well-being of the farmers, rather than just on production. Socio-economic well-being must be a prime consideration of agricultural policy, besides production and growth.

India's population passed the one billion mark in 2000, and its population is likely to pass China's as the world's largest within 20 years. All of this leads quite naturally to the question: how large might the population of the world's largest democracy become?

The United States needs a robust minerals production industry to help meet the needs of American consumers. Unfortunately, America is ceding to others the responsibility for meeting the minerals needs. Increased import dependency created by lack of U.S. mineral development is not in the national interest and causes a multitude of negative consequences, including aggravation of the U.S.

Draft minutes of the meeting on Lavasa Hill Station Project held on 14th July 2007.

Climate Change Impacts on Freshwater Ecosystems in the Himalayas (CCIFEH) Programme is a joint initiative of WWF-India and WWF Nepal, funded by WWF-The Netherlands.

This analysis, Environmental Benefits of Alternative Fuels and Advanced Technology in Transit, summarizes the findings of work done to estimate the level of pollutant emissions produced by the current national transit bus fleet and to evaluate the potential
