This study examines the activities of governments and researchers in six cities and urban regions to integrate climate concerns into policy and programs, and to adapt to climate change. The cities/urban regions studied were: London, New York City and the Metro East Coast Region, Boston Metropolitan Region, Halifax Regional Municipality, Nova Scotia, Canada, Greater Vancouver Regional District, British Columbia, Canada, Seattle and King County, Washington, USA.

Ultra mega power project of M/s Coastal Gujarat Power Limited at Mundra - drawal and disposal of seawater facilities in Coastal Regulation Zone (25 April, 2007).

These rules may be called the Jammu and Kashmir Disaster Management Rules, 2007.

Letter from West Bengal Pollution Control Board to M/s Durgapur Steel Plant dated 09.04.2007.

The present two interlocutory applications are filed by the applicants, (i) Bhopal Gas Peedith Mahila Udyog Sanghathan (

Developing country producers face several constraints related to food safety standards imposed by developed countries. The purpose of this study is to identify factors affecting export flows with respect to food safety standards; and to measure the effects of food safety standards on exports. This study incorporates a food safety variable in a gravity model.

This report explores ways to incorporate international aviation and maritime shipping in a climate policy regime. Currently, emissions from international transport are not included in climate policy targets under the Kyoto Protocol. One of the reasons is that it is not clear which country should be held accountable for which share of the emissions.

Decisions that affect how people use land are among the most fraught that any enlightened society has to grapple with. Two claims that typically come out on the short end of the land-use debate are the claims of indigenous people and claims for non-human species.

The National Sample Survey Organisation (NSSO) conducts socio-economic surveys covering various subjects on regular basis. Subjects are selected keeping in view their importance.

Court order on public auction for leasing out the public tanks in Kanyakumari District for the purpose of cultivation of lotus plants.
See also
