This book constitutes the proceedings of a seminar on the economics of the sustainable use of forests resources was held in New Delhi in 1990. To deal with the various aspects of forest use and management, the seminar was divided into five sessions. The first session dealt with natural resource accounting with special reference to forests. The second session dealt with certain basic issues of forest management. The third session focussed on the state of knowledge about forest products.

The state of forest report 1991 is the third assessment of the forest cover of the country based on visual interpretation of landsat imagery pertaining to the period 1987-89. The new feature of this report is the districtwise estimation of forest cover of the country.

This report remains one of the few chronicles of the ecological change taking place in the Indo-Gangetic plains - India's most densely populated area. Focussing on the recurrent problem of floods in this region and describes the nature of challenge posed by ecologically sound development and suggests new ways of looking at policies.

The idea that developing countries like India and China must share the blame for heating up the earth and destablising its climate, as espoused in a recent study published in the United States by the WRI in collaboration with the UN, is an excellent example of environmental colonialism. The report of the WRI is based less on science and more on politically motivated and mathematical jugglery.

For the development and maintenance of a viable wildlife protected area network in the country, various steps are needed. Identification of the areas to be declared as national parks or sanctuaries, on the basis of their ecological value and their administrative viability.

This report presents forest cover situation in the country based on the visual interpretation of landsat imagery pertaining to the period 1985-87.

In India, recent micro-experiments clearly show that environmental regeneration is possible if native wisdom and local decision-making is respected. Towards Green Villages sets out an environmental improvement strategy that is based on real life experiences of grassroots work in which people have improved their environment together with their economy. Three initial steps are essential. First, the decline in overall biomass production must be reversed. Second, economic growth and rural development programmes must focus on how to increase biomass in an equitable and sustainable manner.

This report was published by CSE for a presentation to the Parliament of India on the impact of environmental destruction on floods and drought.

The main purpose of this book is to bring to the reader an idea of the nature of the struggles being waged to individuals and voluntary groups across the world, and especially in India, to protect the environment.

This book is essential to all those concerned with nature conservation and contain knowledge valuable in those involved in this field in their own countries.
