Slap moratorium, revamp environmental clearance procedure
A Pune-based think tank has called for an immediate moratorium on any further grant of environmental clearance for thermal power plants (TPPs). These include a 5,00,000-MW capacity awaiting environmental clearance, apart from plants which have reached the terms of reference (TOR) stage or are awaiting the TOR.

Out of 102,692 children aged zero to six, 779 are in severe malnutrition category
Four-year-old Pravin Maskare has spent a fortnight at the Nutrition Rehabilitation Centre (NRC) in Gondia where his weight increased to 8.3 kg. Even that is far from the ideal, but his mother is unwilling to let him continue here for another week, despite medical advice.

Maharashtra Minister launches “Save the Girl Child” campaign to curb sex-selective abortions
In a packed cultural hall in Chandrapur, poor acoustics did not take away from a serious play on female foeticide. The voices of the actors went high and low as mikes were pushed hastily towards them. At the end of the play, there was a poignant appeal from an unborn girl who asked for a chance to live.

Meena Menon

MUMBAI: Sharp divisions have emerged over the forestry agreement at Cancun which faces opposition from various indigenous people's networks around the world and forest rights campaigners in India.

Meena Menon

The climate talks ended with uncertainty over the continuation of the Kyoto Protocol and no agreement on binding emission reductions.

The difference between optimists and pessimists is that the optimists have more fun, joked Elias Freig-Delgado, a member of Mexico's Ministry of Finance Special CO {-2} Task Force and the working groups of the U.N.

Twenty-six years after the world's worst industrial disaster in Bhopal, India has a new National Green Tribunal Act, for

Villagers marching to the site of the public hearing at Madban on May 16.

Interview with C.B. Jain, Project Director, JNPP.

From Leh, the 40-km drive to Khardungla, the highest motorable pass in the world at 18,380 feet, winds gently through mountains coated with thick snow. To the left of the pass the Ladakhis swear is the Khardung glacier which has retreated, though there is no study to confirm it. In fact, Prof.

MUMBAI: The ever expanding Information Communication Technology (ICT) sector contributes two per cent of the total greenhouse gas emissions and this is all set to double in the future. Few know the emissions from the sector are as high as aviation, one of the worst offenders.
