Human pesticide poisoning has become major public health issue these days. Throughout the world highest levels of pesticide exposure are found in the farm workers, applicators and people living adjacent to heavily treated agricultural land. Pesticides are linked to various chronic diseases like cancers, infertility, kidney failure, repr oductive problems and nervous disorders.

Water is a critical resource in the lives of people who both benefit from its use and who are harmed by its misuse and unpredictability (flooding, droughts, salinity, acidity, and degraded quality). Water is a finite and vulnerable resource. Consequently, consumption of polluted water puts lives and livelihoods at risk because water has no substitute. There are many ways in which water intended for human consumption can get polluted.

Wetlands play a big role as the important recreational destinations which contribute to the increase in tourism industry. This paper evaluates the recreational value of Lake Victoria in Musoma Municipality. Primary data were gathered by administering the questionnaire to a sample of 120 recreationists. The socio-economic data were analysed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences. Quantification of wetland benefits was done by using Microsoft Excel. The travel cost method was mainly used to determine the recreational value of the Lake Victoria.

The present investigation entitled ‘Chemical contamination of water due to household laundry detergents was conducted to study the chemical contribution of laundry detergents to waste water. Six most commonly used laundry detergents, 4 powder and 2 liquid detergents were selected to study the chemical input of each to waste water stream from home laundry. Chemical analysis of wash water and detergent solution was done to analyse pH, total dissolved solids (TDS), chloride, sulphate, carbonate and bicarbonate alkalinity.

The paper analyzed the socio- economic characteristics of fuel wood marketers in Yola Areas of Adamawa State, Nigeria. Primary data was used for the study. The data was collected using structured questionnaires administered to 120 firewood marketers sampled from the main towns of Yola North and Yola South Local Government areas of Adamawa State. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were employed to analyze the data.

This study evaluated the persistence of heavy metals, cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb) and mercury (Hg) in surficial marine sediments and their relationship with textural characteristics. Furthermore, heavy metal distribution was studied against organic carbon concentration within the sediments. Our results suggest that Cochin estuary is highly polluted in the case of all heavy metals (Pb of 29.48± 4.37µg/g, Cd of 0.21± 0.17µg/g and Hg of 0.17± 0.15µg/g). All the studied trace elements showed negative correlation with sand particles.

This study examined the gender role in Sawah system of rice production in Nigeria. This study was carried out in five states where Sawah is being practiced. The states are Niger, Kaduna, Ondo, Kwara and Ekiti. Data used in this study were collected in all the Sawah sites in Nigeria namely: Ejetti, Etzuzhegi and Nasarafu in Niger state, Nakala Pampaida millennium village in Kaduna state, Elerinjare in Ilorin Kwara state and Aule in Akure Ondo state. A well structured interview guide was used to elicit information from the farmers.

The study examines the impact of Taung irrigation scheme on the household welfare among farmers in the North West Province. Irrigation farming is one of the most important rural development investment strategies that can have both direct and indirect impact on poverty and food security. The sampling frame of the study consists of 137 farmers and a sample of sixty farmers was selected for the study. The relationship between the household welfare and the independent variables were estimated using an ordinary least square regression estimation procedure.

The problem of water shortage and competition is getting increased attention in the field of water management. Good quality ground and surface water may become too scarce to allow for sustainable use for various functions. With increasing human activities, it is important to understand interactions between hydrological regimes and associated land use, and land cover change in the catchment.

Though a significant volume of information has been documented on the importance and potential of NTFPs’ utilisation and its impacts on poverty reduction, livelihoods improvement and environmental sustainability, a lot of confusion is still associated with NTFPs semantics and terminologies. NTFPs have proved to be difficult to clearly define because of the
