Forty-seven patches of termite mounds were sampled in Kakamega forest grasslands with a view to assessing forest succession, forest species diversity, tree species-area relationships and species associations of forest and grassland tree species. These grasslands have been subjected to

The persistence of farmer-herdsmen conflicts portend grave socioeconomic
consequences. Although there is no clear consensus on which group experiences greater hardships, the plight of arable crop farmers, who constitute the bulk of Nigeria

Sundarbans are the world

This paper looks at the claim that Gandhi is a human ecologist. After briefly stating the main elements of human ecology, the paper delineates the major influences, both Eastern and Western, on Gandhi

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The study was undertaken to evaluate the Fadama phase-one vegetable production project of the Anambra State Agricultural Development Project (ADP). Data for the study were collected from 160 vegetable growers (80 project farmers and 80 non-project farmers), through the use of a set of structured interview schedule.

The aim of the present study was to analyze factors associated with TB control at Mutale health sub-district in the Limpopo Province of South Africa. Using a cross-sectional descriptive study design health care providers (n=72 professional nurses), DOT supporters (n=78) and TB patient

Although no region of the world will be entirely spared, the negative impacts are likely to fall most heavily on poor nations in the tropical region. While data on the global impacts of climate change is available, those at regional levels are scanty and scattered. This prompted this study that took a general overview of climate change impacts in Nigeria.

The sustainable livelihoods (SL) approach offers a practical means of addressing some critical aspects of sustainable development. In this research, the SL framework is applied to an analysis of tourism development among the Shanmei Cou in Taiwan.

Increasingly, over the past 40 years, the conception of diet has undergone major changes. Many of these changes involve changes in dietary intake of fats and oils. There has been an increasing consumption of partially hydrogenated trans- vegetable oils and a decreasing intake of lauric acidcontaining oils.

This paper examines the interaction between socio-demographic characteristics (electrical energy usage, population density, and percentage of owner occupied dwellings) and the ability of these characteristics to predict urban leaf area index using ordinary least squares regression (OLS).
