This paper presents an overview of issues related to the design of policies that aim to reduce emissions from deforestation in developing countries from within the international climate change regime. It concludes by presenting a proposal for a funding
mechanism to effectively incentivise and reward efforts to reduce emissions from deforestation, principally in tropical developing countries.

Climate change is a challenge facing human life. It will change mobility and asks for new energy solutions. Bioenergy has gained increased attention as an alternative to fossil fuels. Energy based on renewable sources may offer part of the solution. Bio ethanol based on sugar cane offers advantages to people, the environment and the economy.

Poor people suffered the most from the tsunami as their fragile homes, built along the coasts, were washed away. Many of them also are heavily dependent on coastal nature for their livelihoods and for their safety. Mangroves, coral reefs and other coastal ecosystems provide a range of benefits and resources that support livelihoods like: fishing, agriculture, fuel, fresh water, medicines.

Greenpeace supports a planetary rescue package as described in the

A study of four leading forestry project standards from the voluntary carbon market reveals significant differences in approach, making the choice of which standard to use vital for both project developers and future credit buyers.

The objective of the study

The energy revolution is an independently produced report that provides a practical blueprint for how to half global CO2 emissions, while allowing for an increase in energy consumption by 2050. By dividing the world into 10 regions, with a global summary, it explains how existing energy technologies can be applied in more efficient ways.

The scope of this paper is safe and sustainable sanitation in agriculture. Specifically, the idea of the paper is to find out the existing regulations and guidelines concerning a sustainable wastewater management in the European Union (EU), regarding small-scale on-site wastewater management, and particularly regarding the safe reuse of the source separated wastewater

The concept of ecosystem services has received significant attention since the appearance of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment(MA). Ecosystem services are the benefits people obtain from ecosystems.

Rapid expansion in the use of agricultural crops as a transport
fuel has been justified in Northern countries as a prodevelopment
