Two formidable challenges seem to overarch agriculture and food production in this century: how to end hunger and how to keep global warming at a level that will allow humanity and the agroecosystems we depend upon to adapt in a noncatastrophic way.

The most commonly-known f-gases are the early, so-called first generation F-gases: the CFCs that destroyed the ozone layer and were banned by the Montreal Protocol. However, in the race to save the ozone layer, the use of their second generation cousins was accelerated: HCFCs, now also banned under the Montreal Protocol.

This report explores the implications of different possible scenarios on the outcomes of the current climate negotiations.

The climate crisis and the financial crisis are not two competing issues that need to be addressed separately by the world community. The solution to one is, in fact, the answer to the other. Investment in energy efficiency and renewable energy helps the economy by increasing employment in the power sector, while reducing energy costs and easing the over-use of precious natural resources.

This book shows how multiple-use water services (MUS) are best suited to meeting people's diverse water needs. This book shows how livelihoods act as the main driver for water services and how access to water is determined by sustainable water resources, appropriate technologies and equitable ways of managing communal systems.

This book shows how multiple-use water services (MUS) are best suited to meeting people's diverse water needs. This book shows how livelihoods act as the main driver for water services and how access to water is determined by sustainable water resources, appropriate technologies and equitable ways of managing communal systems.

The holy city of Benares in India, or Varanasi, is known for its Ghats, the sites where the River Ganges purifies the bodies of the live bathers and the ashes of the cremated dead. Close to them is the huge square mouth of the city sewerage system, which disgorges its load of blackwater into the river, irrespective of its religious functions.

The objective of this study is to broadly inform groundwater resources managers, engineers, policymakers and politicians world-wide on the subject of managing saline groundwater with the aim to enhance their general understanding, promote early diagnosis of possible changes and widen their inspiration for selecting effective measures for intervention (as far as required).

This latest report is on Arctic and the Antractic under assault from the impacts of rapidly accelerating climate change, from increased industrialisation; and from the unchecked consumption of our planet's resources.

This report is meant to contribute to the debate between policymakers and research groups on the steps that need to be taken to meet long-term climate targets. This reports shows that the current focus on intermediate targets for the year 2020 needs to be extended to include the long-term targets.
