This report explores how business interests have tried to shape the recent course of the work of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and, in many cases, have succeeded in doing so. It focuses specifically on the development of the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF).

This publication is the result of an extensive and fruitful debate within Friends of the Earth International about the rights that are essential for community forest management to be carried out more fully.

Industrial food production contributes heavily towards climate change, environmental degradation and the depletion of natural resources – and in so doing it erodes the very basis of agriculture.

In this paper, Friends of the Earth International outlines the current climate science and the need for equity, fairness and justice in how we take action. It highlight how people are impacted by climate change, by dirty energy and by so- called false solutions which pretend to address the climate crisis.

On World Food Day, a new report from Friends of the Earth International finds that current strategies to raise investment in agriculture are most likely blocking rather than aiding the achievement of food security and food sovereignty.

Friends of the Earth International calculates that government revenue lost to tax havens over a 15 year period could power Africa, Latin America and much of Asia with 100% renewable energy. Globally every year up to $600 billion dollars of government revenue is lost through tax avoidance through havens, to say nothing of tax evasion.

Fuelling the Fire: The chequered history of Underground Coal Gasification and Coal Chemicals around the world is a new report that sets out the dangers that Underground Coal Gasification and Coal Chemical poses in terms of climate change, local environmental impacts and public health.

US agencies, funders such as the Gates Foundation, and agribusiness giant Monsanto are trying to force unwilling African nations to accept expensive and insufficiently tested Genetically Modified (GM) foods and crops, according to a new report released.

This report examines the reality of GM crop production worldwide. It differentiates the claims from the reality, drawing evidence from the experiences of small farmers and the communities who live with GM.

This new report by Friends of the Earth International underlines the importance of a just, sustainable, climate-safe energy system, in the wake of warnings by the world’s leading scientists about the scale of the planetary emergency and the threat of runaway climate change unless we take immediate action.
