In a world facing the escalating impacts of global warming, social protection measures have a crucial role to play in protecting women, communities and economies from from the catastrophic impact of the climate crisis, and avoiding the climate poverty spiral.

The climate crisis we face today is a result of historical greenhouse gas emissions primarily from developed countries and already posing an unjust burden on developing countries.

This paper provides an overview of the recent 2015-16 El Niño climate-related events and the subsequent lack of adequate response to the global drought. It proposes a fair shares approach to climate justice, thereby providing guidance for appropriate levels of humanitarian aid and boosting support for the most vulnerable.

This research shows that disaster risks in towns and cities are strongly linked to underdevelopment. The population of Africa’s cities is growing rapidly.

In a new report, Climate Reality in the 21st Century, released in Paris, ActionAid, CARE and WWF say that with global temperatures already at 1 degree above pre-industrial levels, the need for money and regulations to deal with climate devastation are more critical than ever before.

This report is a contribution to the debate and the work to establish an international mechanism on loss and damage in order to support all actors involved in addressing this important issue.

This new ActionAid report focuses on 28 developing countries taking action against the climate/ hunger crunch, and also shows which are burying their heads in the sand. It examines the record of these countries in two core areas: overall vulnerability to the climate/ hunger crunch, and key policy measures that can reduce vulnerability.

This report on the world hunger situation warns that many countries are going backwards on crucial hunger pledge, with more people under-nourished than a decade ago. In this scorecard China, ranked second out of the developing countries.