This report explores some of the main challenges associated with the likelihood that South Africa’s coal production might decline significantly, potentially over the next five to ten years. The authors highlight some of the key issues that need to be thought through and discussed as part of ensuring a “just transition” to this future.

This working paper outlines three principles that can inform debate on an equitable phase-out of U.S. fossil fuel extraction. In order to avert the most extreme harms of climate change, the world must reduce net carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from all sources — especially fossil fuels — to zero by mid-century.

This guide for local governments describes when and how to use a consumption-based emissions inventory, known as a CBEI. Numerous cities around the world have been exploring their carbon footprint using consumption-based emissions inventories (CBEIs).

Coastal communities in South and Southeast Asia are strongly tied to marine and coastal resources that are vital for their food security and livelihoods. Meanwhile, pervasive expansion of the global economy is leading to rapid changes in coastal and marine resources, specifically through overfishing and hasty coastal development.

Do transition policies address the needs of the most disadvantaged? This brief examines policies in the US and Thailand to highlight key equity considerations.

This study assesses the current state of knowledge and perceptions of arsenic contamination in rice among different stakeholders in Cambodia and identifies major knowledge gaps and possible policy responses to the issue.

This guidance note supports the integration of gender and social equality (GSE) in qualitative as well as quantitative research, independent of environmental issues, geographical focus and societal levels.

This policy brief looks at water security risks in Burkina Faso through a gender lens, providing insights on how gendered norms and practices produce differentiated risks.

While Rwanda’s ambitions to pursue a climate resilient green growth development pathway are laudable, the disconnect between sectors at the national and district levels poses a considerable long-term threat to sustainable resource use and ecosystems preservation.
