West Africa is hell-bent on eradicating polio. In a remarkable effort, via "synchronized' national immunization day (nid) programmes from October 19 to 26, thousands of volunteers and health workers

The Nama are forever: The Nama community of South Africa are today scattered over four poor villages near the Namibian border. But, on October 14, 2003, their lives changed. On that day, the

The result obtained from stalagamites supplemented by past temperature records, type of vegetation, data from the oceans such as the growth rate of corals are used in drawing a conclusive picture of the past monsoons

Africa can now combat malaria

Global warming plagues Sahel

Last year's controversy about food aid from the us containing genetically modified (gm) materials appears to have left African nations wiser. Four

simple remedy: Garlic not only keeps the vampires at bay, but also pests such as slugs and snails, which cause millions of dollars worth of damage in countries with cool or temperate climates.

How inevitable was the collapse of talks at the World Trade Organization? How engineered was it? CLIFFORD POLYCARP reports from the streets and conference centres of Cancun

Accidental poisoning is common in children. Potassium bromate is a commonly used additive and raising agent in many edibles particularly break, a staple food worldwide, yet its accidental poisoning has hitherto, not been documented in Nigeria.

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Is it a mere coincidence that Jamie Foxx and Moesha, tv shows with predominantly African American cast and audience, feature more overweight actors than white shows like Frasier and Friends?
