Managing trees, especially in Agroforestry, is of utmost importance, otherwise they may become too large and/or unstable. The integration of trees on the farmland creates complex biological interaction, which may not necessarily result in yield advantage. The tree architecture plays an important role in deciding the growth of understorey crops.

Bamboo is one of the fastest growing plant species which occurs under varied climatic and edaphic conditions. In the present review the distribution and productivity of different species of bamboo in India have been discussed.

A geographical indication (GI) is a form of protection highlighted in the Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) Agreement of the World Trade Organization (WTO). It protects intangible economic assets such as the quality and reputation of a product through market differentiation. It is considered a promising tool at the international level to maintain multifunctionality in rural landscapes and involve local populations in biodiversity management and conservation.

In agroforestry system, management practices are commonly applied to minimize competitive effects between tree and crop for light, moisture and nutrient.

This study used farmer-survey data, remote sensing, and hydrological modeling of the prevalent cropping systems to investigate the importance and role of the poplar trees within the agricultural landscape, and to estimate their water use. It was found that trees are currently grown on approximately 10% of the irrigated lands, which are located within the study area in northern India.

This study used farmer-survey data, remote sensing, and hydrological modeling of the prevalent cropping systems to investigate the importance and role of the poplar trees within the agricultural landscape, and to estimate their water use. It was found that trees are currently grown on approximately 10% of the irrigated lands, which are located within the study area in northern India.

The hot arid regions of India in economically and environmentally disadvantaged part of the country with unique problems. These, ecosystems are highly fragile and large liabilities causing severe impediments in development programmes.

Mango is a widely spaced fruit tree comprising a good number of commercial varieties. Mango fruit crop provides opportunities of utilizing the land spaces to its maximum, particularly during the initial years of establishment. Thus, an attempt was made to study the effect of mango varieties on the yield of wheat sown in its inter spaces. Dec 2006

Studies conducted on Ardu (Ailanthus excelsa) based agrisilvi system of agroforestry during 1999-00 to 2001-02 have indicated beneficial effect of Ardu on environment and soil health. Dec 2006

Agriculture plays a significant role in the Indian economy. Food production in India has increased from 51 MT in 1950-51 to 204.6 MT in 2004. While Green Revolution has been one of the greatest success stories of India with its dramatic impact on food security, environmental concerns have been growing rapidly all over the world.
