This report presents a case study of a UNDP GEF Small Grant Project entitled "Mitigation of the effects of the carbon dioxide and other GHG by controlling slash and burn practices," which was conducted in Nepal and which received the gold prize in the 2008 Ryutaro Hashimoto Asia-Pacific Forum for Environment and Development (APFED) Awards.

Almost half of the world's farmland has at least 10 percent tree cover, according to a study on Monday indicating that farmers are far less destructive to carbon-storing forests than previously believed.

Scientists use detailed satellite images to reveal the vital role of trees on 1 billion hectares of agricultural lands in Africa, Asia, the Americas and Europe. Professor Wangari Maathai, founder of the Green Belt Movement and Nobel laureate says the study proves the close links between farms and trees.

Sanjay Jog

Good water management is a much broader issue than supply of freshwater to thirsty populations. Ecosystems and biodiversity, agriculture and food security, land use and forestry, human health and sanitation, settlements and infrastructure, industry and energy all depend on good water management.

This study by the World Agroforestry Center shows that almost half of the world's farmland has at least 10 percent tree cover. Says that farmers would do more to preserve trees if their trees were included in international climate change negotiations mitigation schemes.

The assessment of carbon storage potential has been difficult due to the lack of information on biomass compartmentation and carbon allocation in different species. For most of the species used for afforestation/reforestation, only the above ground biomass potentials are known but to have a picture of carbon storage potential species, the below ground biomass pattern are equally important.

An evaluation was made on the performance of three tree species viz. Alnus nepalenis D. Don. Melia azadirachta A. Juss. and Gmelina arborea Roxb. and their interactive effects on crop yield during establishment period. The seedlings of all tree species survived better under cropped than un-cropped plots.

Agroforestry has high potential for simultaneously satisfying three important objectives viz., protecting and stabilizing the ecosystems; producing a high level of output of economic goods; and improving income and basic materials to rural population. Besides, agroforestry is capable to conserve natural resources through various systems under different agroclimatic regions.

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