This report includes 14 case studies from different countries around the world. They provide compelling evidence of the roles that ecosystems play in climate change adaptation through protecting the natural resource base, providing alternative livelihood options, and maintaining resilience to future climate

With this Profile for Climate Change, FAO outlines its priorities for its current and future work on climate change. FAO

Haryana Government has envisaged a plan to promote agro forestry system in the State under which seedlings of various species of economically important trees would be planted on farm land by the forest department and incentive would be given to the farmers at the rate of Rs 2 and Rs 3 for the second and third year respectively.

This booklet provides a range of case studies and other materials to make the forest sector more biodiversity-friendly, and socially beneficial.

Coffee Board chief wants good tree cover over estates

Demand may exceed production in five years from now

CHIKMAGALUR: G.V. Krishna Rau, chairman of the Coffee Board, said on Saturday that tree cover in 1,20,000 hectares of land in the Western Ghats region had been reduced because of expansion of coffee plantations between 1980 and 2000.

Global warming risks from emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs) by anthropogenic activities have increased the need for the identification of ecosystems with high carbon sink capacity as an alternative mitigation strategy of terrestrial carbon sequestration. The agroforestry sector has received recent attention for its enormous potential carbon pools that reduce carbon emissions to the atmosphere. The Nubra Valley (Trans-Himalayan region) is covered with more than 575,000 agroforestry plantations (willow and poplar). These species have been found to sequester more than 75,000 tonnes of carbon.

Original Source

JORHAT, Oct 8: The agro-forestry and eco-development scientist of Rain Forest Research Institute (RFRI), Pawan K Kaushik raised his voice to implement a new policy on eco-rehabilitation of degraded jhum land addressing the socio-cultural issues and incorporating benefits of recent technological developments to improve upon the jhum practice widely prevalent in the Northeast.

Targeted public investment in forestry could generate about 10 million new jobs around the world.

The world

Using examples of work taking place throughout the developing world, the report argues for a stronger role for civil society and community organisations in the global response to climate chaos, and the need for rich countries to foot the bill via a new funding body.
