National Forum on Environment and Health (NFEH) has expressed grave concern over the fast degradation of environment in the country especially Karachi in the past 12 years which inflicted huge losses to the economy and posed threat to resources.

Fine particulate matter [aerodynamic diameter ? 2.5 ?m (PM2.5)] has been associated with autonomic dysregulation. The authors hypothesized that PM2.5 influences postural changes in systolic blood pressure (?SBP) and in diastolic blood pressure (?DBP) and that this effect is modified by genes thought to be related to chronic lung disease.

Tree-munching beetles, malaria-carrying mosquitoes and deer ticks that spread Lyme disease are three living signs that climate change is likely to exact a heavy toll on human health.

These pests and others are expanding their ranges in a warming world, which means people who never had to worry about them will have to start. And they are hardly the only health threats from global warming.

The United States and Canada want ships to burn cleaner fuel when approaching the continent to reduce smog-related deaths.

Tree-munching beetles, malaria-carrying mosquitoes and deer ticks that spread Lyme disease are three living signs that climate change is likely to exact a heavy toll on human health.

These pests and others are expanding their ranges in a warming world, which means people who never had to worry about them will have to start. And they are hardly the only health threats from global warming.

Two more New Yorkers have died with confirmed cases of swine flu, the city

As New York City officials prepared to reopen 20 public schools shut down because of the swine flu, Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg warned on Monday that further closings would not slow the march of the virus.

Confirming the first impressions of many American and Mexican doctors, federal health officials said on Wednesday that people born before 1957 appear to have some immunity to the swine flu virus now circulating.

The real number of swine flu cases in the United States could be

The green movement has something of an image problem in that the sheen of luxury clings to so much of it, with Whole Foods, hybrid cars and organic silk sweaters pricing themselves out of the lives of most consumers.
