a sudden spurt in public discussion in Delhi over worsening air quality over the last few years has brought into focus a few interesting points about controlling urban air pollution. This is not to

Small cars have had it good for quite a while, but the market could undergo a drastic transformation with the advent of ultra-cheap, small cars led by the Tatas' Rs 1 lakh model.

The uk's department of transport has launched a website designed to let car buyers choose the most environmentally friendly vehicle. The site, qww.dft.gov.uk/ActOnco2, allows buyers to search

the Japanese government recently reached an out-of-court settlement with the victims of vehicular emissions in Tokyo. Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe announced to pay

the Indian government has announced an ambitious plan to phase in a million hydrogen-fuelled vehicles by 2020. Seventy-five per cent of these vehicles will be two- and three-wheelers, according to the Union ministry of new and renewable energy (mnre).

Toyota's Prius hybrid stole a march on the car industry. What comes next?

bowing to an aggressive us offensive, the Indian government recently allowed the import of the us's iconic Harley Davidson bikes. The decision, which came on April 13, 2007, is part of a deal

recently the Cuban leader, Fidel Castro, denounced us president George Bush's new-found fondness for biofuels. Food stocks for millions would be threatened, Castro warned. The octogenarian

The Andaman and Nicobar Islands are still seen as tourist havens, even after being ravaged by the tsunami in December 2004. The tourism policy of Andaman and Nicobar Island 2003 listed its objectives
