London: Bananas could soon become a critical food source for millions of people and replace potatoes as the staple diet due to climate change, a new study has claimed.

Though drip irrigation is ideal for banana and patronised in several parts of the country, it is unfortunate that farmers of the Cauvery delta have not realised its importance, M. M. Mustaffa, Director, National Research Centre for Banana (NRCB), said on Monday.

Talking to presspersons at the centre, near here, just ahead of the 19{+t}{+h}Foundation Day, he pointed out that an acre of banana normally required 900-1200 millimetre of water. “By opting for drip irrigation you can save as much as 30 per cent to 40 per cent and thus extend your area as well.”

It is the world’s favourite fruit and India is its largest producer, contributing to 23 per cent of the world production.

The National Institute for Inter-disciplinary Science and Technology (NIIST) is offering a technology for clear extraction of banana fibre on a non-exclusive basis.

BHUBANESWAR: Having witnessed a quantum rise in the production of horticulture crops in the last 10 years, the State Government has now decided to lay emphasis on floriculture, coconut and banana c

Nagpur In a significant verdict, the Bombay High Court has ruled that wild animals including tiger should be treated as "government property for all purposes" and any damage caused by them should be compensated by the Government.

If a wild animal causes loss to an agriculturist or a citizen, it would be the responsibility of the appropriate Government to make good the loss," a division bench comprising Justices Sharad Bobde and Prasanna Varale ruled, before directing the government to pay damages of Rs 3.84 lakh to a Wardha farmer whose crops were damaged due to presence of tigers in the area.

The District Rural Development Agency (DRDA), Vellore has adopted a cluster approach in undertaking various works under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) in order to enable more villagers to get employment, according to N. Srinivasan, Project Officer of the DRDA.

Talking to newspersons at the Alangulam irrigation tank in Melappulam village panchayat in Arcot panchayat union where the work of deepening of the tank under MGNREGS was under progress on Wednesday, Mr. Srinivasan said that if there are more than 200 workers in a village panchayat, a new cluster would be started, comprising workers from a group of habitations. Under this approach,

The Karnataka Planters' Association (KPA), which is currently holding its coffee area scientific symposium (CASS) in Israel, plans to adopt kibbutz model of drip irrigation for their plantations.

The government’s plan of ushering in a green revolution in eastern states doesn’t seem to have taken off in the country’s biggest paddy (de-husked) rice producing state of West Bengal.

Acting on the directives of the Centre, States such as Karnataka, Gujarat, Rajasthan and Haryana are ready with their annual plans to boost horticulture production.
