Energy transition is a part of a much wider Grand Transition, which is not all about energy. Energy transition cannot be achieved all at once or by any one actor. Relying only on better energy modelling and forecasting to guide successful transition will be fatal, even in a data-rich era.

This report has been commissioned by the European Climate Foundation.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) recently published its Special Report on 1.5°C (SR15) to guide implementation of the Paris Agreement. Governments are tasked with developing long-term low emission sustainable development strategies (LT-LEDS) in line with the 1.5°C goal, and are invited to submit them by 2020.

Energy transition is a part of a much wider Grand Transition, which is not all about energy. Energy transition cannot be achieved all at once or by any one actor. Relying only on better energy modelling and forecasting to guide successful transition will be fatal, even in a data-rich era.

Increased use of renewable energy, combined with intensified electrification, could prove decisive for the world to meet key climate goals by 2050.

The Global CCS Institute has released a new report highlighting strategic policy priorities for the large-scale deployment of carbon capture and storage (CCS).

Labor will set a national electric vehicles target of 50% new car sales by 2030, and 50% for the government fleet by 2025, as well as allowing business to deduct a 20% depreciation for private flee

A Dutch inventor has developed a “cow toilet” he says will stop pollution from cow urine at its source and avoid damaging the environment.

Car manufacturers could take advantage of new European emissions rules to push sales of “fake electric” vehicles, green transport campaigners have warned.

The U.S.
