Schools are being urged to stop pupils from using playgrounds at lunchtime and employees to avoid cycling, running or walking to work during rush hour in the areas of England worst affected by the

University of Texas at Austin's Cockrell School of Engineering has found that crib mattresses expose sleeping infants to high levels of chemical emissions.

Michael Greenstone of MIT says almost 6.28 mn population in 281 districts of India is exposed to health risks due to poor adherence to pollution standards

India’s over 121 billion strong population stands to gain almost 3.3 years of their life if all parts of the country adhere to the air quality standards laid down by the government, a new study by well-known Environment Economist Professor Michael Greenstone, of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology showed.

In 2015, world leaders will gather at the UN General Assembly to agree on a new framework that has the potential to shift the course of global development; a framework that could end extreme poverty within a generation.

This is the second edition of WHO guidelines for national tuberculosis programmes on the management of tuberculosis in children. Like the first edition published in 2006 this document is targeted at national TB programmes,
paediatricians and other health workers in low- and middle-income countries; it does not aim to outline recommendations for high-income countries with low TB prevalence.

The paper explores whether one of the largest programs in the world for women’s empowerment and rural livelihoods, the Indira Kranti Patham in Andhra Pradesh, India, has had an impact on the economic and social wellbeing of households that participate in the program.

After the Thar Desert, famine-like conditions are being felt in the hilly Kohistan area of district Thatta and if the government bureaucracy repeated slackness Sindh province may witness another hu

Street children and kids living in slums in four Asian cities, including Dhaka, are among those most vulnerable to everyday hazards, disasters and climate change amid rapid urbanisation in Asian co

The country will receive the polio-free certification from the World Health Organisation today

Nepal will be declared polio-free by the World Health Organization on Thursday for maintaining polio-free status for the last three years.
