The role of local governments is of direct tangible importance to climate adaptation debates because, although many processes are global, most impacts will be local. At a practical level one important way in which panchayats can make an important contribution to reducing greenhouse gas emissions is by helping in the harnessing of renewable energy sources.

Using the experience of five countries in Asia (Bangladesh, Cambodia, Indonesia, the Philippines and Vietnam), this report considers whether funding for climate change is being managed in the most effective manner, based on the long history of lessons learnt from
development assistance over the last 60 years. The report suggests

This brochure seeks to stimulate the international debate on practical aspects of adaptation to climate change. It primarily addresses partner institutions in developing countries, practitioners, the donor community and institutions working on climate change adaptation and development planning.

This summary identifies three principles and a set of policy-level interventions necessary to enhance water and food security for marginal communities by drawing on the experiences of Tamilnadu Women

Federal agencies are stepping forward to meet this challenge and are beginning to

Maximising the effectiveness of climate finance must include steps to reduce the potential for corruption, as large influxes of resources coupled with an imperative to spend can create conditions ripe for corruption.

Managing risks from extreme events will be a crucial component of climate change adaptation. In this study, demonstrate an approach to assess future risks and quantify the benefits of adaptation options at a city-scale, with application to flood risk in Mumbai.

The UNCTAD published "The Least Developed Countries Report 2010" which, among other issues, highlights the vulnerability of LDCs to climate impacts.

The overall focus of this paper is to provide a base for shaping a road map for least developed and developing countries

This updated handbook provides hands-on guidance for identifying the most effective technology options for poverty reduction and climate change mitigation and adaptation. By drawing on decades of experience and inputs from leading experts and practitioners, it brings novel insights for carrying out needs assessments and creating actionable plans as part of national climate change strategies.
