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Data from the satellite-based Special Sensor Microwave Imager (SSM/I) show that the total atmospheric moisture content over oceans has increased by 0.41 kg/m2 per decade since 1988. Results from current climate models indicate that water vapor increases of this magnitude cannot be explained by climate noise alone. In a formal detection and attribution analysis using the pooled results from 22 different climate models, the simulated “fingerprint” pattern of anthropogenically caused changes in water vapor is identifiable with high statistical confidence in the SSM/I data.

Climate change is predicted to impact India's natural resource base, including water resources, forestry and agriculture, through changes in precipitation, temperatures, monsoon timings, and extreme events.

The forecast just seems to get gloomier. Climate change may dramatically increase the risk of flooding across the globe, even far from shorelines, say scientists in the journal Nature. The reason: plants won't soak up as much moisture in a world with more greenhouse pollution.

The Australian government's advisory group on drugs has defended a graphic new television campaign about the drug crystal methamphetamine or ice. It shows an office worker unable to sleep after

Malaysia has lifted a ban on the export of long-tailed macaques in a bid to thin its monkey population, which has become a menace in its cities. "The cabinet has decided to lift the ban which

The international charity group Care has turned down a donation of us $46 million a year worth of grain from the us government saying the country's food aid system does "more harm than good'.

Norway should legally bind its ghg emission reduction. This is one of the demands of aKutt: an ongoing campaign by Spire, a youth organisation that works with development and environment issues in

Switching to biofuels to curb greenhouse gas emissions could be a mistake, as increasing biofuel production will release two to nine times more carbon over the next 30 years than fossil fuels,
