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Escalating global warming is threatening the very existence of life on our planet and must be contained. The 2015 Paris Agreement sets an absolute upper limit of 2°C on increase in global mean temperature by the end of this century. It also calls for ample efforts to limit the warming to a less risky 1.5°C.

This report shows how fast coal needs to be phased out in order to meet the objectives of the Paris Agreement, in light of the latest science from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

This working paper provides a global analysis that explores how the climate actions contained in countries’ Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) connect to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Government to reward those who achieve neutral status

NEW DELHI: Holding developed world responsible for much of the effects of climate change, environment minister Prakash Javadekar on Friday asserted India will not bow down to any international pres

The paper formulates 10 points for mitigation ambition and includes recommendations on ways to support ambition raising through international cooperation. All governments have committed to the long-term goal of the Paris Agreement.

For the past two years, at the invitation of the Argentine and Japanese G20 presidencies, UNDP and WRI have together advised the G20 Climate and Sustainability Working Group on the key role that long-term strategies and NDCs are playing to advance the G20 agenda and address climate change.

The EU’s global climate leadership is at stake as a new political cycle begins amid increasingly polarised public opinion.

A paper published in Science today outlines a new “Global Deal for Nature,” officially launching an effort to establish science-based conservation targets covering all of planet Earth, includin

The campaign to support the protesters has been launched by an international group of 22 scientists spanning a range of disciplines; several of them are renowned climate specialists.
