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This paper discusses the development of the accounting guidance under the Paris Agreement.

Voluntary carbon markets are heating up as companies and consumers are taking action on climate change, according to Voluntary Carbon Market Insights: 2018 Outlook and First-Quarter Trends, publis

Agriculture and food systems policies should ensure more than just the supply of food.

Political divisions between rich and poor countries make the board of the UN climate fund ‘extremely difficult to work with’, says green growth chief

With the December 2018 deadline to operationalize the Paris Agreement looming, climate negotiators are faced with the herculean task of pulling together volumes of draft notes and the disparate views of negotiating blocs into comprehensive implementing guidelines to be adopted later this year.

Just a half-degree Celsius could make a major difference when it comes to global warming, according to a new paper published by a collaborative research team based in China.

A domino-like cascade of melting ice, warming seas, shifting currents and dying forests could tilt the Earth into a “hothouse” state beyond which human efforts to reduce emissions will be increasin

The research finds that using a blanket “carbon tax” to restrict global warming to 2C above pre-industrial levels – which is the limit set by the Paris Agreement – would put an additional 45 millio

A study published in Energy Research & Social Science warns that failure to lower the energy use by Bitcoin and similar Blockchain designs may prevent nations from reaching their climate ch

The EU’s energy chief is pushing for member states to formally adopt a new set of carbon reduction target ahead of UN climate talks later this year.
