India expects the upcoming Paris conference to reach an accord that does not hold all countries "equally" accountable for the present state of climate change and seeks more steps for tackling it fr
A higher proportion of the Indians believe climate change to be a serious global challenge than the Chinese do, reveals a survey released by the Pew Research Center on Thursday.
Developing countries must negotiate strongly in the environment summit in Paris for "fairness and equity" to enable them to meet their developmental needs, Centre for Science and Environment (CSE)
Papua New Guinea’s prime minister Peter O’Neill has urged Australia to be an advocate for the Pacific in pushing for a strong agreement at this month’s worldwide climate change talks in Paris.
A day after a UN report flagged the inadequacy of countries' climate action plans to check global warming, four big developing countries - India, China, Brazil and South Africa - on Saturday urged
Beyond the emissions pledges made by different countries, a cornerstone for ensuring the effectiveness of the 2015 international climate change agreement will be the mechanisms in place to hold states to account for how they live up to their commitments.
This brief provides an overview of how members of the OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC) are integrating gender equality into their bilateral aid to climate change, and calls on DAC members to step-up their commitments to integrate gender equality in all aspects of climate action as a prerequisite for achieving sustainable development f
The analysis presented here considers whether the INDCs that were submitted by 23 October 2015 are consistent with a reasonable chance of not exceeding the 2°C warming limit.
The Prince of Wales has said tackling deforestation will be central to combating global warming as he confirmed he will attend next month’s crucial climate change summit.