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In December, national delegations from almost 200 nations will meet in Paris to hammer out an agreement on greenhouse gas emission (GHG) reductions. Like Kyoto (1997) and Copenhagen (2009) before it, Paris 2015 will rely on GHG emission reduction pledges to achieve their climate goals, this time to limit global warming to less than 2 °C.

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Countries begin negotiating on new balanced draft for Paris agreement

The World Wide Views (WWViews) Alliance has launched the findings of a global citizen consultation on climate change and energy, which sought to determine “how far citizens around the world are willing to go” in the areas of climate action and energy transitions.

Making its suggestions to the latest draft text of the Paris climate agreement, India on Monday pitched for inserting specific paragraph on the issue of finance and transfer of technology in the te

This report discusses possible ways to enhance the Parties’ contributions to climate mitigation and finance, and draws lessons for the international negotiations leading up to the Paris climate agreement.

Negotiations towards a new climate deal to be agreed at the UN climate conference in Paris in December have included voluntary climate targets by countries around the world in the form of Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs).

France has urged the Federal Government to submit its Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs), a Climate Action Plans, to the UN few weeks to the climate change conference in Paris.

Talks under threat if draft is not revised to include their issues on Monday itself

To forge a strong climate accord in Paris, nations must agree on a common goal in everyone's self-interest, say David J. C. MacKay and colleagues.

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Policy makers have called for a 'fair and ambitious' global climate agreement. Scientific constraints, such as the allowable carbon emissions to avoid exceeding a 2 °C global warming limit with 66% probability, can help define ambitious approaches to climate targets. However, fairly sharing the mitigation challenge to meet a global target involves human values rather than just scientific facts.
