Cissampelos pareira L. and Tinospora cordifolia (Willd.) Hook.f. & Thoms inhibited the propagation of rodent parasite Plasmodium berghei in vivo. In a typical fourday experiment, the BALB/c mice were administered with ethanol extracts of Cissampelos pareira L. and Tinospora cordifolia (Willd.) Hook.f. & Thoms. The parasitaemian in untreated control group ranged between 17.31% and 30.02% whereas the root extracts of Cissampelos pareira L. and stem extracts of Tinospora cordifolia (Willd.) Hook.f. & Thoms resulted in inhibition of Plasmodium berghei significantly.

New Delhi The Cabinet will likely revise the ethanol price for the mandatory 5% blending with petrol later this month, renewable energy minister Farooq Abdullah said on Monday, as the sugar industr

The president of Biodiesel Association of India Sandeep Chaturvedi has an experience of 15 years in managing medium-size business with key responsibility in sales and marketing, research and development and ensuring statutory and legal compliance, He speaks to Ritu Gupta on what the sector holds for India.

Always on the cutting edge, Sir Richard Branson, president of Virgin Atlantic, has set his company on a course towards further sustainability.

The Brazilian government is ready to offer technical co-operation to Pakistan through sharing of knowledge, technology and expertise in agriculture and ethanol on the request of Government of Pakis

Always on the cutting edge, Sir Richard Branson, president of Virgin Atlantic, has set his company on a course towards further sustainability.

Pakistan and Brazil are likely to sign a Memorandum of Understanding in November to boost bilateral co-operation in the agriculture sector.

Federal Secretary Ministry of Industries Aziz Ahmad Bilour on Monday said the government would collaborate with the Brazilian government for transfer of knowledge and technology to enhance quality

Thailand aims to revive a long-stalled plan to become an oil trading and biofuel hub in Southeast Asia, challenging Singapore's dominance, its new energy minister said on Thursday.

Brazil claims to have clamped down on slash and burn tactics, slave labour and links to deforestation as it seeks to gain foothold in Europe’s lucrative biofuels market.
