* Union Secretary calls on CM

The guidelines on ‘Integrated Water Resources Development and Management’ were prepared in BPMO, CWC under strategy V.4 of National Water Mission in March 2010 and were circulated within CWC for comments.

The Flood Forecasting and Early Warning in Transboundary River Basins: A Toolkit, produced by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) and the Regional Integrated Multi-Hazard Early Warning System (RIMES), is a guide book for building capacity of flood management practitioners in transboundary river basi

Given the increasing impacts of flooding in Jakarta, methods for assessing current and future flood risk are required. In this paper, we use the Damagescanner-Jakarta risk model to project changes in future river flood risk under scenarios of climate change, land subsidence, and land use change. Damagescanner-Jakarta is a simple flood risk model that estimates flood risk in terms of annual expected damage, based on input maps of flood hazard, exposure, and vulnerability.

Flooding is the costliest natural disaster worldwide. In the UK flooding is listed as a major risk on the National Risk Register with surface water flooding the most likely cause of damage to properties.

Food, energy, and water are three critical resources for humanity. As climate variability, population growth, and lifestyle changes amplify the stress placed on each of the resources, the interrelationships among food, energy, and water systems become more pronounced. Political conflict, social and cultural norms, and spatial and temporal distribution of the resources add additional layers of complexity. It is in this context that the significance of understanding the impacts of water scarcity on the decisions around food and energy productions has emerged.

The Southwest Area Integrated Water Resources Planning and Management Project in Bangladesh became the first initiative to successfully incorporate beneficiary participation into all aspects of managing large-scale irrigation systems.

A total ban on building in flood plains is one of a number of recommendations in a report on flooding prepared by TDs and Senators.

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Flood Management Programme (FMP), Extension, Renovation and Modernisation (ERM) of canals and Repairing, Restoration and Renovation (RRR) of water bodies, 10/12/2015. The Salient Features of Flood Management Programme (FMP), Extension, Renovation and Modernisation (ERM) of canals and Repairing, Restoration and Renovation (RRR) of water bodies are given. The status of projects received, techno-economically cleared, and included under above programmes and funds released during XII Plan is given in Annex-1, 2, 3 and 4.

The Decision Tree Framework described in this book provides resource-limited project planners and program managers with a cost-effective and effort-efficient, scientifically defensible, repeatable, and clear method for demonstrating the robustness of a project to climate change.
