Enable Block: 

Madhur Tankha

NEW DELHI: Students of Maria

The European Commission (EC) has allocated an additional 4.2 million Euro (approximately 38 crore) to an agreement signed in 2008 to help ensure food and employment security for ultra poor women.

The world faces a permanent food crisis and global instability unless countries act now to feed a surging population by doubling agricultural output, a report drafted for ministers of the Group of Eight nations has warned.

As a part of national environment awareness campaign, a lecture-cum-workshop on,

Between India Shining and Jai Ho, through four years of high growth that India became the story of global markets, not much has changed on the ground, it would seem. Between aspirational Indians vying for better and richer lifestyles, there are millions still below the poverty line.

India trails badly on the human development indicators. Illustration: Saurabh Singh

Nitrogen-based fertilisers have helped all but eradicate famine in large parts of the world. But reactive nitrogen in circulation has now doubled. Owen Gaffney asks, what effect is this having on the carbon cycle?

Intensive agriculture and excessive use of external inputs lead to degradation of soil, water and genetic resources. Widespread soil erosion, nutrient mining, depleting water table and eroding biodiversity are the global concern which are threatening the food security and livelihood opportunities of the farmers, especially the poor and underprivileged.

The concept of food security has evolved during the last three decades to include not only food availability, but also economic access to food and the biological absorption of food in the body. The author discusses in this paper the challenge of achieving sustainable advances in farm productivity, leading to an "ever-green revolution" in the fields of farm families with small holdings.

Agriculture growth and instability have remained the subject of intense debate in the agricultural economics literature in India. While the need for increasing agricultural production or growth are obvious, the increase in instability in agricultural production is considered adverse for several reasons.

Systems dynamics, cellular automata, agent-based modeling, and network analyses have been used in population, land use, and transport planning models.
