Most flowering plants, including wild species and many food crops, are pollinated by animals and are vital, therefore, for biological production and the maintenance of biodiversity. Pollinators benefit from diverse natural habitats for forage and nesting, especially when these are limited in plant production systems.

This compilation of case studies from the central eastern tribal states of Chhattisgarh, Odisha and Jharkhand is an attempt to bring together practices and experiences of forest dependent communities of managing and governing their resources.

Negative impacts of climate change on forests threaten the delivery of crucial wood and non-wood goods and environmental services on which an estimated 1.6 billion people fully or partly depend.

Forest and land degradation undermines the foundation of human prosperity and well-being.

Policies in the European Union, the United States, and Canada support the use of forest biomass in heating, power generation, and transportation as a climate mitigation strategy. However, research conflicts on whether forest bioenergy results in greenhouse gas (GHG) savings in the long-term.

The head of French energy giant Total announced on Saturday that the company would invest a hundred million dollars annually on a new forest preservation and reforestation project.

Companies that use wood grown in Cameroon - from makers of guitars to electricity poles - are helping revitalise endangered tree species to better sustain their businesses and bolster the fight aga

Inferno causes damage to nearly 60,000 kanals area in 3 yrs
No financial assistance received under Forest Mgmt Scheme

There is broad consensus that community-based forestry (CBF) conservation, backed up by supportive governance arrangements, can play an important role in reducing poverty and restoring ecosystems.

The Wampis is an indigenous group comprised of thousands of members whose ancestors have lived in the Amazon rainforest of northern Peru for centuries.
